Wipf Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions ‒ For Climate Neutrality in Switzerland by 2050

In the Paris Agreement of 2016, Switzerland also committed to becoming climate-neutral by 2050 and decarbonising accordingly. Interim targets were defined to achieve the so-called net-zero target. One of these is a 50 % reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, which is to be achieved by eliminating avoidable emissions and offsetting emissions that are difficult to avoid by permanently removing CO2 from the air using negative emission technologies.

Carbon capture and storage (CCS) and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) play an important role here as a key solution for achieving the climate targets.

Objectives of the industry

As a long-term climate strategy, industry also wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 90 % by 2050 compared to 1990 levels.

Switzerland's new CO2 Act stipulates that all companies seeking exemption from the CO2 levy must submit a corresponding plan on how they will no longer produce greenhouse gas emissions from the use of fossil fuels for energy by the end of 2040 at the latest.

The procedure at Wipf

To effectively avoid greenhouse gas emissions and achieve the interim target in 2040, Wipf AG drew up a roadmap in 2022 - with six relevant steps and measures for the decarbonisation of fuels.

Step 1

Assessment of all existing data/information to clarify all needs and goals Identification of key people and data collection on site. Determination of heat flows and documentation of the current situation.

Step 2

Development of measures, i.e. generation and assessment of all measures to create an action plan.

Step 3

Checking the technical feasibility of the individual measures recorded and identifying dependencies between the individual measures.

Step 4

Assessment of the economic feasibility of all technical measures.

Step 5

Development of concrete packages of measures including time planning, technical review and economic assessment.

Step 6

Development, comparison, visualisation and comprehensive assessment of implementation options.

Possible fields of action

The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in companies is possible in many areas and in different ways:

  • Process/technology changes = temperature requirements, new methods and technologies, process integration, innovations.
  • Efficiency measures = operational optimisation, technology change, heat recovery, waste heat utilisation.
  • Heating/cooling networks = expansion of thermal networks (internal and cross-location), storage.
  • New energy sources = selection according to temperature, availability/potential and costs.
  • In-/Offsetting, CCS/CCU = In-/Offsetting, CO2 capture and storage/utilisation.
  • Product changes = substitution with more energy-efficient products, lower temperature requirements, lower resource consumption, better recyclability.

Concrete implementation

In collaboration with the Swiss Energie-Agentur der Wirtschaft (Energy Agency for Industry), Wipf has developed three different scenarios for fossil-free production by 2040. All with the aim of avoiding solvents in production and eliminating regenerative thermal oxidation (RTO). This is because 80% of greenhouse gas emissions at Wipf are caused by solvents and their incineration in the RTO. 

To achieve the net-zero target by 2040, Wipf is using the roadmap it has drawn up and the Science-Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). The measures are being implemented in all relevant areas except for in/offsetting. 




By 2025: 80 % fossil-free building heating

By 2033: Conversion/replacement of all laminating systems to solvent-free production

By 2040: All systems solvent-free (elimination of the RTO system)/new printing technology

From 2040: 100% fossil-free production  

Environmental and climate protection as essential components of the company ‒ for Wipf, words are followed by action. Another opportunity to optimally position itself in the market. Innovative, sustainable and future-orientated. As a pioneer for climate-neutral companies in Switzerland.

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